The Industry Hub is spearheading an initiative on identifying declining industries and offering a coordinated approach to identifying and offering options to a future strategy.
The Industry Hub is offering to do market research for companies in declining industries. Companies who subscribe to our services will get an initial industry analysis and we will meet with the companies for in-depth discussions on options for the future. The Industry Hub is developing relationships with emerging technology companies. An exclusive forum will be provided to declining industry companies so they can have a private audience with emerging technology companies. These private forums will allow senior management from both companies to ask probing questions to identify the cost of technology transition, size of workforce, types of jobs to be developed, and other relevant factors. The ultimate goal is to create a roadmap to transition plan to minimize loss of jobs, unemployment and stress on social platforms.
Once the job opportunities are identified, The Industry Hub will help outline the types of training needed and work with educational institutions and help outline the relevant education needed to create a relevant workforce. Under our current education systems, education is not always relevant to market/ industry needs. The cost of the current educational system is too high and does not deliver the education needed by workers to prepare them for new technology jobs.
As the role of technology plays a more intrusive role in the impact of the workforce, it is imperative that we create a Life-Long-Learning society.
Technology is growing exponentially, yet we are still educating our workforce with the 19th century education model. Radical changes are required on how we educate people in preparing them to enter the workforce. We need to start with the STEMA programs and help our future workers be nimble, open to new learning and challenged to look at new technology as a path to their future.
The biggest hurdle to new technology is the cost of development and market introduction. This will impact every community. It is up to communities to determine how successful they want to be. How much are they willing to invest in technologies of the future? This future will determine the tax base, community growth, needed services and the very fabric of the community. A coalition between public-private entities is imperative for healthy communities.
The Industry Hub is committed to identifying new technologies, understanding the impact on current companies, finding partnerships for the development of these technologies and creating strategic partnerships with current companies, new technologies and all levels of education. When we can identify where jobs may potentially be lost, the number of workers impacted and develop training/ education programs for future jobs, The Industry Hub will have developed a sustainable model for healthy communities.
As The Industry Hub explores opportunities in helping declining industries identify new technologies and a path to future growth, new jobs will be identified.
By helping new technologies find partners/ investors/ and advocates, The Industry Hub will play an increasingly active role in creating. Along with these new jobs, we will work with emerging technology companies to identify the types of education required to fill these new jobs.
Once we have these skills outlined, The Industry Hub will create a discussion forum for educational institutions and workforce commission to help bridge the skills gap. These discussions will extend into all areas of internships/ apprenticeships/ vocational training/ community college/ universities and specialized educational opportunities. In order to have a fully employed population and provide pathways to economic improvement, we need to open up opportunities to all who seek employment. Our economy and our country are stronger when we create opportunity for all.
Success Stories
The Industry Hub

Tigerhouse Hats

Roofing for H.O.P.E.

Sheer Elegance


Bello Bath & Body

Pit Fitness & Rehab